Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Bathing Beauties

The photo on this page is that of my Grandma Ellie and my mom, Pearl, taken back around 1950. The recipe is one my grandma would always bring to our family picnics, which we had several of every summer. My grandma came over from Denmark by herself when she was just a young girl and had lost her parents. My sister, Gloria, has been able to find both a photo of the boat she came over on as well as the manifest she signed at Ellis Island. Simply amazes me how someone so young could make such a trip. I sure do miss her, but have fond memories of her teaching me how to crochet AND how to play poker.

1 comment:

joyce said...

Family memories are so important. It is nice you have the memory, the picture and the receipe. Now I know one of your hidden vices.