Monday, October 25, 2010

Falling For You

Here's a pic my sister Gloria took of her granddaughter, Avlyn, over the weekend. Isn't she just the cutest?!! She looks SO MUCH like her mother, Trisha, and then again at times she's the spittin image of her dad, Craig. But whomever she takes after, she's a cutie patootie!
As you can tell by the photo, our weather is definitely starting to show signs of cooler fall weather and the leaves are really starting to drop. It won't be long before old man winter starts shaking his fist at us.
I had a delightful weekend. I spent most of Saturday with my scrapbooking pals at Archiver's and while I didn't accomplish much, it's always such a good time chatting with those gals. Sunday morning I took my brother to a "birthday" breakfast at Cracker Barrel. The folks decided to tag along as well, so it was a nice morning spent with my family. The rest of the afternoon Sterling and I just vegged and relaxed as neither of us had much energy for some reason. And every weekend I swear I'm going to get so many things accomplished, but my "to do" list hasn't seemed to shrink one bit. Going to have to start tackling my "honey do" projects a little each evening in order to get things accomplished, I guess. Although that in itself will be a challenge as the evenings are getting darker quicker, and once I lose the light it's REALLY hard to get motivated. Does anyone else have that problem? It seems my hibernation instinct kicks into gear once the sun goes down and all I want to do is grab a blanket and lounge on the couch with a good book or my crochet projects.